Care Shepherd Training

In preparation for our training seminar, SCI requests a meeting with the leadership tasked with creating or overseeing their organization’s member care efforts. SCI must understand the organization’s expectations and assumptions of their Care Shepherds and the obstacles interfering with goal achievement. Proper assessment and planning will help ensure a productive training result.   

Our two-day interactive training experience will help equip and resource Care Shepherds for greater competency and mission success. In recognition of the uniqueness of every organization, SCI will labor to customize each training to adapt to personnel and logistical challenges.

An optional third day of training is available for those desiring to utilize the Prepare/Enrich Assessment tool. By becoming certified facilitators, they will gain access to reports saving them valuable time in understanding relationships integral for ministry health and success. We believe the Prepare/Enrich Assessment should be in every Care Shepherd tool kit.

Training Topics

Day 1

Preparing to Serve as a Care Shepherd

  • Understanding the Need for Care Shepherds
  • Implications of Being a Care Shepherd for Your Ministry Organization
  • Transparency and Risk/Benefit Analysis of Being a Care Shepherd
  • Creating an Environment of Safety, Trust, and Confidentiality
  • Standard/Model of Health for Ministry Leaders
  • Understanding the Lenses of Ministry Leaders
  • Navigating the Needs and Wants of Ministry Leaders
  • Things to Avoid When Caring for Ministry Leaders
  • Becoming an Effective Care Shepherd Listener
  • Dealing with Information Revealed in Confidence


Day 2

Effectively Caring for Ministry Leaders

  • Things Affecting the Choices of Ministry Leaders
  • Ministry Leaders Losing Their Identity
  • Dealing with Ministry Pressures
  • Identifying False Assumptions and Unrealistic Expectations
  • Ministry Burnout Causes and How to Avoid Them
  • Important Research Project and Results – SSM/CBU
  • Pressures Severely Affecting the Marriages of Ministry Couples
  • Strategies for Ministry and Marital Satisfaction
  • Increasing Relational Intelligence Among Ministry Leaders
  • Helping Ministry Leaders Experience Health and Success in their Ministry Assignment

Day 3 (optional)

Becoming a Prepare/Enrich Facilitator

This training will enable Care Shepherds to become certified facilitators for Prepare/Enrich and equip them to help ministry couples:

  • by saving dozens of hours for needed and accurate intake information
  • in all phases and stages of life
  • with their communication skills
  • understand their personality and informational processing differences
  • resolve or manage their conflicts
  • identify positive/negative feedback cycles affecting their relationship
  • identify relationship areas that need strengthening and strategies for healthy growth

This assessment tool will also provide insights for Care Shepherds working with ministry leaders struggling with ministry relationships, family of origin issues, unhealthy assumptions and expectations, distorted narratives of self and others, and possible relationship obstacles when working with staff and volunteers.

The Prepare/Enrich Assessment can be used with ministry leaders worldwide. It has been translated into 12 different languages: English, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Korean, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Romanian, Portuguese, and Swiss German.

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